We finally got to go to the DC temple! It is very large and beautiful! We woke up at 5 am to drive while Kaci could sleep and spent all day there. Brad and I switched off watching Kaci so we could both go in. It was great. Kaci loved walking around, she saw the Christus, the fountain, all the flowers, and lots and lots of people. The place was packed! So busy. Then we spent the night at Uncle Bruce's and woke up at 5am again to make it back for church at 9am. We have been so tired, but it was well worth it. It's so much fun to go to a different temple, because they are all so different in structure even though you do the same stuff. I'm glad we get to go to such beautiful places to draw closer to God.
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14 years ago
There was no comment area for the kaci sign video but HOW FUN IS THAT?!?!?! see i told you just wait til she turns one and she'll pick up on them. thats when nate the younger started doing it!!! it reminds me of emily Brinager sp? remember when she was little and would do the animal sings. Kaci is too cute.. what is mommy's sing?
The DC temple look way pretty. did you ever take pictures of kaci at the hawaii picture? wouldn't it be cute if she got married at the DC temple and she could out one of these pictures next to her wedding pictures. that would be cool..
such a pretty temple! did you know the laie temple will be closed for a year and a half?? so we have to take advantage of it while we can...at least it won't be closed until our last semester here. i feel sorry for everyone else who is staying.
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