Saturday, December 6, 2008

National Cathedral

Hayley: We'll go to the DC temple, the zoo, and the Cathedral because they're all on the same street.
Kerri: Great, what street?
Hayley: I don't know.
Kerri: Did you look it up?
Hayley: I thought you knew.

Don't worry, we did find it. Luckily we had a map and after all of us looked at it a few times we figured it all out.
Brad: Do you think the Cathedral will be cooler than the temple?
Kevin: No, is that even possible?
Hayley: It's gotta be cool!
as we walk up to it
Brad: Ok, they've got us beat!

Absolutely beautiful. The stained glass was my favorite. Kaci's favorite (of course) was sitting on the chair.


Nancy K said...

Fun to visit on the phone today! Everything from Hayley's trip looks awesome! Hawaii, D.C.= Once again Kaci's first years are cool, my poor kids claim to fame was Iowa...well we did count Nauvoo.

Cierra said...

hahaha i love the conversation you and hayley had! that's exactly how i remember her being when we were roomies in the ninja house.