The Howards moved to Hawaii! I got to spend a ton of time with my neice and nephew. Lots of memories, not enough time together for sure! Kaci turned 6 months and was so little and not sleeping through the night yet. Liam and Jessie moved to the mainland and we missed them terribly (still do but now they are in Hi and we're in Va--oh how the tables turn).

Brad turned 24 and we saw a seal at Goat Island. You remember the gigantic seal that scared me to death! Yeah, that one! We also broke our camera on this trip. Kaci started sleeping through the night!
Kaci got her FIRST tooth, one of the bottom ones. Brad flew to Virginia to interview at JMU. Krystal came to visit and we had a lot of fun (remember our crazy trip to Diamond Head and me making you walk like 5 miles to save 2 dollars, hahaha!) Kaci got a horrible rash that wasn't caused by Kiwi, infant something that starts with an "r". Kaci wore two amazingly adorable Easter dresses! Who's going to make her one this year? Up for it Krys, Mom? Anyone?
3rd Annual Ice Cream Challenge! Brad got accepted to JMU. Brad graduated from BYU-Hawaii. We had a swarm of visitors (5 visitors plus the three of us in 410 sq feet!) We moved out of TVA R235.

Our 4 months of visiting people began and traveling began. Hi, Az, Ut, Va. The Howards, The Teos, The Hebners, The Listers, Eyera, The Calls, The Calls (in VA, Brad's uncle and aunt). Thanks again! Kaci turned ONE July 26th! Kaci started walking mid August!
Settled into our little apartment in VA. Brad started graduate school. Kaci
started using baby signs.
I experienced my first Autumn, we explored Virginia's mountains.
Hayley came to visit! We had a blast running around DC with her!

Brad got straight A's in his first semester. We were sick for Christmas, but happy as happy can be about the new year!

way to go Brad on the good grades
what a great ending to a great year
thanks for including us in the highlights--really fun blog post
you've had quite a year and we were glad to be a part of it--
love ya
it seems so short when you break it down like that. i miss you and really wish you were here to play with me. :(
I love the re-cap of your busy life! sounds like everything is going well for the call family. looking forward to see what the new year brings you three.
What a year! Glad ya'll are doing well!
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