Monday, August 10, 2009

Less than 24 Hours til I'm 24

So long 23! What an awful age. I learned lots of life lessons when I was 23. I hope I learned them well and never have to repeat those lessons. As I thought about the last year I noticed the common trend that I tried a lot of stuff out of my comfort zone. I also noticed that not many of those things worked out well. A lot of little failures really.

But I did live my "live list" that I have in my journal. I checked off or halfway checked off a lot of stuff regardless of the outcome. Which is great! At one point this year I told Brad "I've got to stop checking stuff off my live list or I'm going to have nothing to live for!" Is that awesome or what?!?
ex: Paint, plant a garden, learn the bottom hand on the piano, bake a pie from scratch, coach polevault, have food storage, save money for Kaci, make Christmas presents for my nieces and nephews, do baby signs with my baby... etc

10 more days til my birthday!


gary hebner said...

What does a little girl like you dream of these day for a birthday gift?

Val said...

Look how far we've come. Two crazy little girls to two crazy mommies. Happy soon to be birthday.

Krystal and Bruce said...

I loved the post!!!!!

Cierra said...

oh my gosh is that YOU?!?! post more of your little kid pictures...i love them!

Jessica said...

You are adorable! I love the photo. And way to check stuff off the live list! I think that is awesome! You can always make another one if you get them done too fast, better than having nothing to live for, haha. Happy Birthday!!!

Elizabeth said...

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY KERRI!!!!! What a great idea, a "live list", I like it! Well here's to a happy year 24!!!

Nancy K said...

Oh the things we have to go through! It has been fun to see via blog some of your wonderful successes as you check things off on your list! I think you are wonderful!