A newly wed couple thought we weren't cool anymore because we've been married for a while and have a kid. Thankfully the person they said it to defended us... but it left a scar for Brad. That weekend he said he'd show everyone just how cool he still is!
You are a voice of strength to all married people with kids. Someone needs to stand up to those newlyweds, and we vote for you Brad! We are the barfed on, the pood on, the sleepless, the proud...we are married with kids and we are cool!
that clip show there is no contest of argument--non-disputable evidence of a cool cat -(you were born cool) &-yes we want to see the bloopers--can it get any better though? -cute post I loved your cheering section (kaci ) in the corner watching her cool dad too (:
I was laughing hysterically, but my kids wondered why I was laughing so hard. They thought you were AMAZING!!! At the end Megan said, "i want to watch Bryan do it now." Do you think Bryan is as COOL? This will be a new video for us to watch over and over!!!
hahahaha oh my goodness gracious...i almoooost forgot how stinkin' hilarious brad is! good thing he made this video to remind me. he is DEFINITELY still cool. i think that may have even been 5 inches of air!
Brad...um...you have to have been cool to still be cool! Just kidding! That totally brought back memories of roller hockey with me in my sheepskin slippers and everyone using me as target practice. Good times!
Now, That Cool!
haha! Rad! You guys are definitely cool...and this video proves it!
You are a voice of strength to all married people with kids. Someone needs to stand up to those newlyweds, and we vote for you Brad! We are the barfed on, the pood on, the sleepless, the proud...we are married with kids and we are cool!
that clip show there is no contest of argument--non-disputable evidence of a cool cat -(you were born cool)
&-yes we want to see the bloopers--can it get any better though? -cute post
I loved your cheering section (kaci ) in the corner watching her cool dad too (:
this is Hilarious. look i even capitalized Hilarious. which i never take the time to do for any word. that means i mean it...so funny
If peeing your pants is cool. Consider yourself Miles Davis.
Pretty impressive stuff Bob. (Brad)
I was laughing hysterically, but my kids wondered why I was laughing so hard. They thought you were AMAZING!!! At the end Megan said, "i want to watch Bryan do it now." Do you think Bryan is as COOL?
This will be a new video for us to watch over and over!!!
hahahaha oh my goodness gracious...i almoooost forgot how stinkin' hilarious brad is! good thing he made this video to remind me. he is DEFINITELY still cool. i think that may have even been 5 inches of air!
My roommate and i say hands down brad is WAY cooler then we are!! The song was a perfect fit!!
Brad...um...you have to have been cool to still be cool! Just kidding! That totally brought back memories of roller hockey with me in my sheepskin slippers and everyone using me as target practice. Good times!
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