Yesterday, when Kaci said her prayer (we started a few months ago with something really simple... it normally goes something like this "Dear God, thank you for mommy, daddy, kaci, food, friends... in Jesus name-Amen... one syllable words) yesterday she added Christ to it. I didn't catch it at first because she didn't pair it with Jesus, she just said Christ amongst the other things she gives thanks for.
Later that day I was doing laundry and Kaci was running around with the hamper on her head. I was busy and not really listening to her mumbo jumbo as she ran around until I heard her say "Kaci- Jesus Christ!" She kept saying it over and over and over all day.
During the FHE lesson, Kaci picked a picture of Christ (like she always does) (thanks again Lynda for that book of gospel art, we love it). She then told me about what she learned in Nursery... she said "Kaci, church, friends, two boys, one girl, girl lap. Kaci, pray, Jesus Christ." Translation: At church with my friends, two boys and one girl, I sat on my teacher's lap and she taught me to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. So, she learned something at church this week, she learned that Jesus is Christ and that we pray in His name. She may have even learned that we are suppose to be like Him. I wonder if her teacher knows that Kaci was listening and learning during that 5 minute lesson she so faithfully does with those toddlers each week. I'll be sure to tell her.
Just another testimony that teaching a child the ways of the Lord can and should start at a very young age... no one is too little or not smart enough to learn of Him. Everyone is capable of coming to Christ... everyone.
How cute!! Children are such sponges at this age, which can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on what is being taught in their homes. From the sound of it, it looks like Kaci has been greatly blessed with wonderful parents who teach her what is right!
I love it when they share things they've learned. Isn't it fun to watch their testimony grow? And yes, tell her nursery leaders-I guess I'll keep preparing my little lesson each week.
Wow! How very neat! Way to go Kaci. And I love your translating skills. I hope to refine mine in coming years. Kaci is so smart!
Oh and I wanted to add how lucky Kaci is to have you teach her and how lucky the seminary students are to have you for their teacher. They are developing their testimonies and you are influencing THEM in ways you probably don't know!
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