Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Mania

It just keeps snowing and WE love it! It's so much better than freezing rain because you can play in it.

Our car was packed in a giant snow hill. It was fun to see our neighbors out shoveling each others cars out. Such kindness and service among a bunch of people who rarely speak the same language. A nice Russian fella helped Brad get our car out later that day so it didn't freeze like that. Since we had no intention of driving and we had a whole day to kill since church was cancelled the second week in a row, we went for a walk...

The second day of snow fall made fluffy snow, powder. It was knee deep on Sunday. We accidentally discovered a new fun snow game, snow tackling. Kaci laughs hysterically when we tackle her, each other, or ourselves. It's so fun to fall into the snow and watch it poof around you.

Kaci also enjoyed the classics, like snow angels and snow fights.

We may be the only ones actually enjoying all the snow. Everyone else seems to be quite sour faced about it all. I got a little bummed at the grocery store on Tuesday when there was no milk or flamming hot cheetos because of the storm, but I got over it. I don't really care for milk anyway, and I found some cheetos at Target later that night :)


Elizabeth said...

how fun! I love that you can just jump into it and sink. Hope ya'll continue having fun in it and are safe!

Krystal and Bruce said...

church was CANCELED?!?!? wow!

kaci is sooooo funny!!!!

Jessica said...

Kaci is such a little poser! How adorable. I love how she puts her hands in her pockets and pops one foot out. She is ready for modelng I think. Looks like a nice stroller, pretty hard core to handle all that snow! Super cute family portraits too! It is so pretty when it snows. I wish we could have a few days a year where it would snow in Hawaii. That would be cool. Maybe we'll just have to visit u guys in Alaska for some snow. How fun!

Kim's just sayin' said...


Nancy K said...

You make snow look so fun!!!!

larissa said...

wow! haven't seen the white stuff in awhile. it looks super fun though. live it up my friend