Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our 610 sq. ft. Efficiency Apartment

We are unpacked, organizing, and livin' life in our little apartment. It's the absolute perfect size for us. We are on the ground floor and in the corner right next to the playground. It's simply wonderful. When we looked into these apartments they first showed us a large two bedroom, I took one look and knew we would never ever fill up that whole apartment with our meager possessions. Then they hesitantly showed us this little wonder and we fell in love. They thought we were crazy, but we saw it as a 200 sq ft upgrade for basically the same price. And now we are here and we have more room than we know what to do with. We're trying to think of ways to fill it up. I took a dumb video that I am uploading to youtube right now. It'll post in just a bit, I figured it would be better than pictures, but I'm not so sure about that now. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Nancy K said...

Hooray for your own place!!!