Here's a taste of Kaci doing her baby signs. It is so much fun to read a book or go to the park and have her do the sign for a dog or whatever when she sees it. It is so enjoyable to teach her so many things already. She's so cute and she loves to communicate with us. We love love love baby signs. It'll be sad when she starts talking and won't use them anymore, she's already saying her name and trying to say other stuff, like "shoes" (if her first word is shoe I will die laughing! why in the world is she obsessed with them?)
Kerri look how smart your daughter is!! She's like a little girl now! So precious, I especially liked the dog and the frog, haha. Hope all is well in Virginia!! Miss ya'll!
loved it all--so fun to see her in action--makes me miss her--I knew in time she'd start doing them...and boy did she ever--and to think that is only a few of the many she knows--you two are a good mom and dad to always teach her so many fun ya
That is so cute we taught Claire signs too. I also loved it and miss some of them too now that she can talk.
nice job on the baby signs! oh my goodness she is smart!
Smarty Pants. Our favorite was the dog.
SO CUTE! can't wait to hear her start talking!
Kerri look how smart your daughter is!! She's like a little girl now! So precious, I especially liked the dog and the frog, haha. Hope all is well in Virginia!! Miss ya'll!
She is soooo cute! I love her blonde HAIR!!
loved it all--so fun to see her in action--makes me miss her--I knew in time she'd start doing them...and boy did she ever--and to think that is only a few of the many she knows--you two are a good mom and dad to always teach her so many fun ya
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