Thankfully all I lost were the pictures of the day before Halloween. Kaci was a mad scientist! Thanks for the baby lab coat Mom, you never fail to amaze me! Kaci looks amazing with her CRAZY hair! Brad dressed up as her Frankenstein.

We had dinner in a pumpkin before we went to the JMU Homecoming Parade. We got lots of candy despite the fact that there was one float and the marching band. Then Kaci partied on the quad with all the college kids.

Then we went trick-o-treating and Kaci got loaded down with candy. People here had two different candy baskets, one for lil ones and another for big ones. So Kaci got fruit roll ups, cookies, cereal, and gummies instead of all chocolate and stuff she can't really eat on her own. She loved when people gave her a peice of candy. She only screamed bloody murder twice. Once when a teenager "came to life" on the porch and again when a nice man opened his door and said "boo" while wearing a doggy mask. Otherwise, it was lots of fun for her.
aww she looks way cute!!!
What an awesome idea to give the little kiddies the more healthier treats!! I love that idea! The coolest thing the kids got was a squishy soccerball! They couldn't put it down they were so excited about a toy instead of candy! I love brad's costume. Kaci looks so stinkin cute!! We love her to death! We are glad you had a fun halloween out in VA!!!
So fun. I too second the motion for the treats for little ones!!! cute costume!
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