In the midst of my feverish condition yesterday, I was sensible enough to cancel seminary and watch Mary Poppins (oh how I wish they still made movies of that caliber).
When I woke up with extreme abdominal pain last night, I started to regret eating the entire pan of homemade cinnamon rolls yesterday. An hour later I started to question that chocolate cookies and cream ice cream cone. An hour after that when I woke Brad up to hold me, I started to wonder if I should have eaten 4 greasy fish tacos stuffed with spicy salsa and guacamole. Where were the calming effects of the chicken noodle soup I had for breakfast? I finally fell back to sleep, but I woke up with what feels like bricks on my chest, a blimp for a head, sore abs, aching limbs, pounding headache and a wild two year old...
Naturally, I wandered into my kitchen stacked high with dirty dishes, ate my chicken noodle soup for breakfast, and topped it off with a chocolate cookies and cream ice cream cone. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't have given one to Kaci... she's wild enough as it is.
p.s. it's 46 degrees outside... 70 degrees inside... I feel like I'm in a sauna!
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14 years ago
mmm cinnamon rolls and ice cream...sounds delish! but i hope you feel better real soon kerri! take it easy...
Boo to feeling sick and hooray for Mary Poppins-love that show! It used to be one of Abbie's favorites.
is it really 46 degrees outside? brrr... sounds like the flu, no fun. stop eating so bad sis! that sounds more like Nate's diet (minus the soup) :D
get well soon.
Oh no! Feel better so soon!
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