We started the trick-or-treating festivities on Wednesday. Bridgewater College opens up their dorms and the college kids decorate and pass out TONS of candy. They also do a little carnival. Kaci was scared out of her mind, until she saw a little baby dressed up like a duck. Here is Kaci's FIRST costume... a haunted homemaker aka a witch.
Her loot. She could have had double this but she would always only take one piece of candy when the they told her to take 3 or 4. One time a guy was about to give her like 10 snickers, but she took just ONE again. Bummer, I'm still sad about that.
On Thursday we went to the mall for their Monster Mash. The advertisement said there would be trick-or-treating, costume judging, and a dance party. Boy was there ever a Dance Party. I didn't bring my camera which is the greatest let down of the century because the Dance Party was solely kids ages 18 months to 6 shakin' it with the Dukettes (a dance team from JMU). It was AMAZING.
Kaci wanted to be Rela (Cinderella) this time after seeing other kids dressed up like Cinderella. She's obsessed with Cinderella right now, she trys to sing like her which is so cute! And she's always uber excited when it's time for Cinderella to dance with her prince. She runs around the house yelling "rela DANCE prince!!" My mom had sewn her some dress up clothes which I decided to turn into a Cinderella costume. Kaci loved it!
Yes! It was only Thursday and she already had tons of candy. Little did she know that today, the day of Halloween, she'll go trick-or-treating THREE more times.
The funny part about all this madness is that I don't really like all the candy, Kaci licks it and throws most of it away, and Brad eats all the peanut butter stuff, but that's it. Honestly, I just figure that it's something to do for free and I am all about that! Trick-or-treating HERE WE COME!!
She looks darling!!!!
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I had no idea you had karotoconus.
It's so horrible. Jason is legit blind without contacts and even then it's a struggle.
i LOVE the video! who is the video-making master, you or brad?? i love the music and special effects...and kaci's excitement at hacking at the pumpkin.
Too cute!
what a perfect cinderella! too cute.
i don't know know if i have told you but i am super duper jealous of you going to the parade. that's my dream as well. so proud of you guys for making it happen! and Kaci is indeed a Cinderella, hands down!
those videos are too good. kaci looks like a little tiny mini model as usual.
HEY BEAUTIFUL: FYI: All the past nine years of student council members are going to meet up this Wed for lunch. I'll take pictures and post on my blog. Wish you could be there! This is our second "reunion" this year. The first one was just the past four years. Miss you!
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