Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Remember when...

Remember when I wanted to learn to play the piano?
So I found a free 100 year old one on Craigslist and we squeezed it into our apartment with the help of a zillion strong men?
And then I made Brad refinish it to be a shiny black because it was so ugly?

We sold it, about a month or two ago.
FYI: Squeezing it out was more effort than squeezing it in.
We got $150 for it!
Brad earned like a dollar an hour refinishing it for me.

So it's only fair that he got to get a toy with the money.

The big decision was a used projector or an iPod touch.

With the upcoming move, the iPod touch won.
Kaci can play games and watch movies on it
(cue the Hallelujah chorus the second I walk onto that plane in June),
I can access the internet nearly anywhere
(email me this summer since I won't have my house phone anymore), &
Brad gets a toy
(goggle maps anytime anywhere, every church resource at the touch of a button).

Now I just need to figure out if I can blog on it.
Look forward to a post with the little
"from my iPod"
at the bottom of it.


Nancy K said...

Sweet buy!

The Finlinsons said...

Well, congrats! I kind of wish I had a piano...but I'd also rather get it when I'm actually at a place we may STAY for longer than a few years.

Tyson was just telling me that one day when he has a job and money that he wants an iPod touch (or the latest and greatest new thing since by the time he earns money it may be super out of date...)

Ali said...

we have the Ipod touch for London and she LOVES it! it is amazing how quick Kaci will pick up how to use it and there are so many awesome apps for toddlers! great trade!!

Krystal and Bruce said...

YAY!!! woooo hooo!! welcome to the world of touch!!!! They do have an app for blogging. THe free one wont let you upload pictures. I have yet tried the one that costs money. If and when i get it I will tell you if it is worth it =]

Hebner Happenings said...

so much fun to get a new toy and one that everyone can use. Have fun!

Brisha and Poata Te'o said...

Poata and I both have i pod touch's too! they are awesome!! I havn't blogged on it though because it just seems like a pain but I think you can, I check my blog on it, I just don't do new posts on it. It doesn't have a camera and to upload pics to it you need a computer unless you save an image from online so your posts could be picture-less but anyways that's a good choice for a toy, they are fun. and there are SOOOO many free apps! I have a baby flash card app for Luka =) I also have an iphone now because with the i pod touch it only has internet with wifi but anyways thats sooo rad that you made such an awesome profit on that piano! I always see so many free things on craigslist I should just start getting them and re-selling them as my job =) lol. have fun with the new purchase =)