Monday, April 12, 2010

a first

We love popsicles! We've been getting the good popsicles with the jokes on them. The jokes are never as good as the popsicles, but Brad and I always give a courtesy laugh.

One night I read my joke aloud:

What is a bunny rabbit's favorite music?

-Hip Hop

Kaci joined in the courtesy laugh...
then she looked at her stick and "read" her joke to us:

What is a doggy's music?

-Roof! Roof!

We all got a real laugh out of that one.

And there you have it, Kaci's FIRST joke!


Nancy K said...

At maceys, when we go shopping, they give free laffy taffys at the end. Megan has us read it and then laughs even though she has no idea why it would be funny-sometimes I don't either, but you gotta love the courtesy laugh!

Krystal and Bruce said...

Kaci is right there with the hebners and GG lol

The Finlinsons said...

Hahaha. I love it!